Thursday, September 10, 2009

Will I ever get to Healthcare?

OK, something I need to clarify...

In reading a lot of my own stuff, I realize that there might be a tendency by some to see a callousness in my viewpoint. I think I need to explain that I am generally a shy person with regards to what I do for others...I don't like to toot my own horn. This may lead some to the feeling that I care only for myself and let all others be damned. This couldn't be further from the truth. Let me explain this once and then hopefully I can be done with it.

I believe that we have a moral obligation to help those around us. I don't believe it is the governments role to take that obligation and follow through with it. I believe that the reason our country has been so strong in the past is because we cared about our neighbors...not in a "your lawn isn't nice enough" or "your daughter was out late last night" type of way, but in a way that we genuinely care for their welfare. If our neighbors need help, we help them. When natural disasters hit, when financial disasters hit, when personal tragedy is at our doorstep, we as neighbors are there for support. That is what forges the ties of community together, that is what makes us strong. Not because we all go to the same church or believe the same things (we don't), but because we are all human beings and there is an incredibly strong bond there that is difficult to break.

I volunteer my time to many people and many causes. My skills happen to be in the area of computers mostly, so that is what I help others with. I have a brother-in-law who is a doctor. When he is here visiting, he asks me to help him with computer stuff and we ask him about medical stuff. That is how it works. So, most of my "community service" comes in the realm of computers. That may not seem significant to most of you, but for someone whose hard drive just failed and there are ten years of family pictures on it, I can guarantee that they are grateful for the help.

In addition to computer help, I can swing a hammer or push a broom. I spent a few hours last night helping on a house that our community is rebuilding for a family who recently found out their son has muscular distrophy. Their house was not adequate for the new needs they had, so the community is pulling together and making changes to the house so that as his disease progresses, they will be able to deal with his physical limitations. Last night I was there with about twenty others who had voluntarily taken time to help. The leader of the project is a very successful home builder who has taken an amazing amount of his time to make sure this project is successful. He has spent time and money that most of us never could in this endeavor. I have been there multiple times helping out with my limited skills. We all benefit from the work that we do there.

I believe that what makes us a strong community and nation is not that we all believe the same things as far as religion or politics go, but that we all believe in the idea that we are a family. We help because we want to. Are there those that don't or won't help others around them? Absolutely. Do I wish they would assist? Absolutely. Am I going to make a law to force them to help? Absolutely not. I would hope that they would see the benefit to all of us (including ourselves) and then act appropriately. The only people that I will force to help others are my children. They don't have a choice. When I say we are going to help someone, they do it (or suffer the consequences). Do I have to force them very often? Not really. They have had experiences in helping others that have made them want to do it again. It is a positive experience that enlarges our soul and our circle of influence. Those commercials that talk about how one kind action can cause a chain reaction that goes on and on are true (sometimes a little corny, but true nonetheless).

I give to local food banks, I participate with my scouts in collecting (and in donating myself) food for those in need. I never throw anything away that could be used by someone is always put in a pile that is then given to a thrift store so that others can get the benefit of it. I turn off the lights when I leave a room, I have replaced most of my light bulbs with compact florescent bulbs (of course now I realize they are more toxic than incandescent ones, now I have to change to LED). I make sure the tire pressure in my vehicles is correct, I drive in a way that maximizes my fuel economy. I wear my seatbelt. I am actively pursuing a solar option for my house, I already tried a windmill and the city won't let me put one up. I have two garbage cans in my kitchen, one for trash, the other for recycle. Do I need to go on?

I think I am very typical of many out there. We are not who the politicians like to say we are...right wing nutjobs, left wing wacko's. We are practical people who want to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to us. If that also is pleasing to God or community or nation then that is even better. I cannot force you to be a patriot. I cannot force you to be a moral person. I cannot force you to believe the way I do. I can only show you through my actions that the things I believe are beneficial and if you want that...great. If you don't want that, I am fine with your decision.

All right, I'm not sure how much sense this makes, but it is on my mind right now. I'll just have to come back and look at it in a few hours to see if it makes sense to me. Time to get back to work...


Unknown said...

You have such a way with words. I wish there were more people out there like you. In fact I wish I were more like you. I try so hard to help people, but I know I could do so much more.
You are truly a person to look up to.

Henry said...

Tony, hopefully there wasn't an actual need to explain what you do and don't do for others. I mean, hopefully, everyone who reads your blog knows that you're an awesome person who cares. If not...urm, well...I guess who wrote for those. I hope you don't mind my comments. I just like to challenge your political views. That's all. I'm so glad you share what you think!

Anthony said...

Kate--sometimes I have a way with words...usually I have them when I need them.

Henry--People who know me I think know what I stand for, but some out there who don't know me so well I think have some doubts. I am tired of the Republicans thinking they have a corner on the Constitution and Democrats thinking they are the only ones who care about the environment. It is time to stop politicizing these issues and deal with them from a common sense way. That is why I had to make this post...

I love the discussion that can happen in a forum like this. I believe in challenging all my beliefs and others. We all come from a particular background and have experiences that shape our beliefs. I love to be able to talk to others with different experiences. This extended family is fun...we have Americans living in Germany, Germans living in America, conservatives, liberals, everything in between. I guess we are a lot like the country as a whole.

I hope to continue to have discussions on important (and sometimes not important) issues and be able to share my insights as well as share in the insights of others. I think this is the only way we survive as a country and as the human race.