Sunday, July 20, 2008

more updates...

OK, so I am sitting here in an Arby's in Elko, Nevada waiting for my mother in law to show up with Kira, so I have a few minutes to update you all again. Unfortunately, I figured out the time zones incorrectly, so I arrived over an hour early. As long as they don't kick me out of the Arby's I'll be fine.

So Kira has been in Reno with her Grandma Teri and Grandpa Rex for the last week. Gusti was at girl's camp and Kyle was at scout camp so her and Tori (her cousin from Germany) went to visit Grandma. They had fun there, but I sure missed having Kira at home. With Kali in Germany, she's my only girl that is around. One of the things I love about Kira is that whenever I come home, she gets up and runs to me and gives me a big hug. I miss those hugs.

One of the other things I miss are the talks that I used to have with Kali at night. She used to come into our bedroom right at bedtime and want to have these long talks about whatever was going on. The cynical side of me says that she has figured out a novel way to postpone her bedtime, but I'm sure it is just that she wants to spend time with Gusti and I. As frustrating as it was at times to try to get her out of our room so we could go to sleep, I do miss it. I am excited for her to get home. She flies in on the 28th of July, so it is not too much longer.

I just want to say that Gusti took some great converse pictures on the 4th of July, but I have been a slug and have not put them up yet. Sorry Ron. I will get them up soon.

Gotta go to the Taco Bell to meet the girls. God bless you, God bless the United States, and keep your chin up.


1 comment:

Terri said...

Hi Anthony,
Meant to post a thank you when we read this but am just finally getting back in here. So as I said, thank you soooooo much for the time with the girls. We enjoyed every minute of their visit & so much appreciated you for taking time to come to Elko to get them.
We love you, Terri & Rex